Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas - High Score!!

Hi folks!

Well, It's 9.30pm on Christmas Eve here in New Zealand. The world outside has suddenly gone very quiet. It doesn't seem to matter what age I am, Christmas just works for me. I get that strange feeling like I should be in bed with the covers pulled up tight so Santa doesn't see I'm still awake and excited about morning. Guess that makes me a Christmas nerd.

I really hope everyone has a safe and merry Christmas.
But before I go, the Muks and I want to leave you with a special message from the Sparkle Friends.

Oh yeah, and Merry Christmas to the other Muks, Jeremy, Alex and Tim. Cheers for a great year fellas. I look forward to more cartoon shinanigans next year. Tis an honour to work with you.

- Ryan


Cam said...

Wow, that was funny!
good job and Merry Christmas!

RAWLS said...

hahah...nice one my friends!!! Thanks for all the great work you do! Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and yours!!

Jeremy said...

Right back at ya fella.

Authoritaters said...

awwww horsey!