I recently did a couple of paintings of 2 of my favourite comic characters growing up, the stories always seemed a little over my head when I was real young but I absolutely loved the artwork!!

They're acrylic on canvas (Obelix- 5"x7", Asterix - 6"x6") and are for sale if anybody is interested! $45 US each including postage (via paypal).
very cool
i love it
=D YES! i love asterix and these are great =) very appealing
Iv actually been doodling them in different styles myself =)
Rock on Mukpuddy!
hahahah, very nice!
Oh my god! You forgot Dogmatix with Obelix! Guess you have to do a tiny little painting of him now =)
They look real cool anyway!
I love your paintings!!!1
That Raphael is cool...but rude.
Awesomeness in every post.
Nice take on these guys! And the colors are like yummy candies.
i never quite fully understood the storylines for asterix comics either when i was young! who am i kidding, i still don't.
this is awesome! i love the noses
Great paintings Alex this is such a great style the noses are brilliant.
fun take on a pair of
true classiques!...
great style! love it.
ah you changed the blog style to the dark blue dots
i quite like this skin
its easy to customize and edit
also yay asterix
likin' your re-design on these classics!!
These are really cool. I haven't been by here in a while and it's nice to see a lot of cool stuff up. Asterix rules, the paintings and designs are really tight. Good work.
Ha! Ha! I love these...love the way you treat your art...its a delight bro!
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